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Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Tip #6 - Talk to yourself on the bus

No time is dead time

Just because you don't happen to have your course book or language exchange partner there with you, doesn't mean that you can't practise the language.

Do you see what you are reading now? Well, what's the word for "sentence" in your target language? Look around you. Can you name everything around you in that language? If not, then start thinking.

If you can't extract what things are called just now, then instead start to practise conversations. Go through them in your head from greeting a person to saying goodbye or making plans for dinner. Imagine what the words feel like on your tongue.

Or apply grammar rules you have just learned to some sentences in your mind and see if they seem to work. Decide in what situation later you can try that out and then do it.

Yes, even sitting on a bus there's a lot of room for language learning :)

Enjoy yourself,

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